Friday, June 6, 2008


I want to talk about composting. I don't do it yet but I'd like to when we move (hopefully this summer!) Do you compost? If you do, would you be willing to share your method?


wfbdoglover said...

I would love to - but my husband won't let me have an outdoor one or an indoor one..

Here is a link to the indoor one.

One of the news stations here did a report on it and he said he is picky about smells and they don't smell.

You can make it by following the link here...

And the worms can be bought at Growing Power...

If you can't get them to send you the worms, maybe we could work something out. The place is not that far from me.

Tarasview said...

I don't compost... yet. I really want to start. I just have to figure out where to put the container so my daughter doesn't get into it!